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World Clinic Presents at Tallinn Music Week


World Clinicu esitluskontserdil on lavale astumas atmosfäärilisi helimaastikke loov Cyann Prantsusmaalt, elektroonilise tantsu-rocki trio Everything Is Made In China Venemaalt, tume ja veidi psühhedeelne post punk/rock bänd The Woken Trees Taanist, karismaatiline elektroonilikaduo Hundreds Saksamaalt. Kodumaisetest artistidest on välja valitud White Sparks, Neon Noir ja I Wear* Experiment.

20.00 Cyann (FRA)
20.45 White Sparks
21.30 Everything Is Made In China (EIMIC) (RUS)
22.15 The Woken Trees (DK)
23.00 Neon Noir
23.45 Hundreds (GER)
00.30 I Wear* Experiment

Pilet eelmüügist 8 eurot. Piletid saadaval Piletilevis:
Kohapeal 10 eurot.

Uksed avatud: 19.00
Sissepääs alates 18. eluaastast.

Cyann (FRA)
French born Cyann specialises in music of sombre, fragile beauty. Currently based in Berlin, she first came to the public eye with the band Cyann & Ben, but left in 2008 to pursue a solo career. Her work, normally centred around the piano, is highly atmospheric, her vulnerable voice floating over shadowy soundscapes that express a deep sense of melancholy with a singularly romantic elegance. Only those with a stone cold heart can fail to be moved by the sparse frailty of ‘I’ll Be Waiting’ or the dreamy, unhurried magic of ‘Walls Of Silence’

White Sparks
White Sparks on duo Tallinnast, mis on nüüdseks tegutsenud natuke üle kahe aasta. Nende muusikat saab iseloomustada kui instrumentaalset sünt-post-rokki. Kuna aga White Sparks on instrumentaalbänd, siis tuleb neil ka kuidagi vokaali puudumist kompenseerida. Selleks kasutavad nad vokaalisämpleid erinevatest filmidest, telesaadetest ning raadioülekannetest. Kõik see teeb kokku väga unikaalse kompositsiooni. 2013 aasta 8 märtsil avaldas White Sparks oma debüüt-EP „Invaders“ nii digitaalselt kui ka limiteeritult füüsilise CD’na. Raadio 2 valis „Invaders“-EP avaloo „Space Invaders“ ka oma nädala demoks.
White Sparks on andnud ka hulgaliselt kontserte. Nad on soojendanud ühte Eesti parimat live-ansamblit No-Big-Silence’it ning samuti kohalikku elektroonilise roki pioneeri Sõpruse Puiesteed. 2013 aasta juunis olid nad prantsuse sünt-pop grupi Le Common Diamond soojendajad ning novembris soojendati ka Venemaa/Soome eksperimentaalse elektroonika ansamblit Noise Fabrique. Novembrikuu viimasel päeval esines White Sparks ka Riias I Love You baaris. Nad on korraldanud muusikaüritusi ka ise, millede eesmärgiks on olnud Eesti instrumentaalmuusika tutvustamine laiemale avalikkusele, kus on osalenud nii uusi kui ka juba tuntud Eesti instrumentaalansambleid.
White Sparks is a duo from Tallinn that has been around for little over 2 years. Their music can be categorised as instrumental synth post-rock. As White Sparks is an instrumental band they have to somehow compensate the lack of vocals. For that, they use vocal samples from different movies, TV shows and radio broadcasts. Altogether this makes up quite a unique composition. On 8th of March 2013 White Sparks released its debut-EP „Invaders“ as a digital release and also as a limited CD release. “Space Invaders”, opening track of “Invaders”-EP, was chosen by Estonia’s Raadio 2 as a demo of the week. White Sparks has had their fair share of performances.
They have been a warm up act for the best live band in Estonia No-Big-Silence and for local pioneers in electronic rock Sõpruse Puiestee. In June 2013 they were also the warm up act for French synth-pop group Le Common Diamond and in November for Russian/Finnish experimental electronic group Noise Fabrique. On the last day of November White Sparks also gave a concert in Riga at Bar "I Love You". They have also organised concerts themselves to promote Estonian instrumental music where besides them new and already known Estonian instrumental bands have performed.

Everything Is Made In China (EIMIC) (RUS)
EIMIC is a thee-piece live electronic dance rock band from Moscow. Founded in 2006, EIMIC is one of the leading indie bands in Russia by now. The band has released 3 albums, recorded in the UK and Canada. EIMIC has worked with John O`Mahoney (Metric, Coldplay), John McEntire (Broken Social Scene, Tortoise, Jaga Jazzist etc.), Dean Marino (Black Keys, Born Ruffians). The band have participated in large European festival acts such as Ilosaari Rock, Park Live, EXIT, Transmusicales, Heineken Opener, Maxidrom and many more. Their each live show is a genuine performance followed by visual graphics created real-time by a Russian visual artist Ilya Kolesnikov. EIMIC music videos have become a part of short film festivals and exhibitions around the world.

The Woken Trees (DK)
With an acute sense of style, The Woken Trees have impressed music lovers with their self-assured debut album NNON. Their post punk update sounds like Joy Division heading for some occult mass at midnight: The bleakness of Manchester replaced with the claustrophobia of the deep woods. Moodily, they dwell on their evil bass lines, insisting rhythms and jarring guitars.
”After conquering Scandinavia’s thriving underground rock scene The Woken Trees, a six-piece outfit hailing from Copenhagen, have been hotly tipped as the most recent arm of the ‘Danish Invasion’.” - Artrocker Magazine
Less ‘stage props’ and more eccentric Danish youth, the band voluntary swapped their practice space in an old hay loft in the already desolate Danish village of Tversted for the freezing cold cellar of an abandoned villa just outside Copenhagen, where they honed their craft by both living and playing together constantly. These masochistic and draining sessions managed to capture the band’s penchant for isolation yet also retain an air of reserved Nordic despair, all while leading to enough material for debut album, NNON. Cold and remorseless, bleak and nihilistic; NNON was released by Fuzz Club Records this past March and instantly catapulted the band to the forefront of the underground music scene throughout Scandinavia and earned rave reviews in Denmark’s largest music magazines such as GAFFA and Soundvenue.
Relentless tourers known for their legendary frenetic and raw live shows, this year has seen the band spread their chaotic energy everywhere from warehouse parties in Berlin and Italy, large scale venues in both Scandinavia and the Netherlands, not to mention appearances at Roskilde Festival and the swiftly growing Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia. As The Woken Trees are currently working hard on the creating of their second studio album, this will be one out of only several rare live appearances this year.

Neon Noir
Tales of trust, love and lust. Simple songs for restless souls. Neon Noir is a three piece New Wave band from Tallinn. The band was formed by Green Regime - DJ and electronic music producer. In December 2012 NEON NOIR have released "The Night / The Light", their debut EP on Sexrecords. Desperate lyrics, simple drum machine sounds, pulsating bass, atmospheric synths and vocals... but all that with a modern touch. In the period of 2012-2013 NEON NOIR have participated in several festivals, played public and private gigs and warmed up venues for bands like The Telescopes (UK), Detachments (UK), Martas Asinis (LV), Barto (RU). The band is currently working on their second EP and really enjoying everything they

Hundreds (GER)
Sometimes the first round feels like the victory lap. In just an instant, two German siblings and a shared idea grew into a revered pop band and a stunning live act – with just one intensely beautiful album and many beautifully intense shows. Eva and Philipp Milner are Hundreds. They set the bar high with their very first steps.
Hundreds took their debut around the world, touring relentlessly. They were the cool of the xx and the comforting ache of Bright Eyes in one. The somber, beautifully worded letter to The Postal Service’s services. They made people dance. They brought people to tears. They left room for kisses.
Then they took a break. A deep breath. And they started anew. Golden melodies, piano fragments and giant bass drums created a beautiful place: “Aftermath” – the most wonderful pop record that is possible right here and now. There’s marvelous drama. There are tribal beats on a frantic search for calm. There are soothing truths. And they all want you to make them your own.

I Wear* Experiment
I Wear* Experiment ühendab endas avangardistlikku, elektroonilist ja eksperimentaalmuusikat. Lõõskav valgus, hullumeelsed rütmid, müstiline vokaal ja pöörane sämpeldamine sulanduvad seguks erinevatest žanritest ja stiilidest. Kontsertsituatsioonis on nad visuaalselt ja heliliselt laitmatud. Bänd valiti Baltikumi suurima suvefestivali Positivus “TOP 5 Must-See Artists” nimekirja ja septembris lisati lugu Memories The Indie Rock Playlist: September 2013 kogumikule koos maailmanimede Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party ja Arctic Monkeysiga.
I Wear* Experiment is an experience packaged in avangardistic electronic and experimental music. Blazing lights, crazy intensive rhythms, mysterious vocals and mad sampling blend in a cocktail of genres and styles. In a live situation they are visually and sonically impeccable. I Wear* Experiment was chosen into the "Top 5 Must-See Artists" list at the biggest summer festival in the Baltics, the Positivus Festival. In September the bands song "Memories" was added to The Indie Rock Playlist compilation: September 2013 along with Bloc Party, The Arctic Monkeys and Franz


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Europa Cinemas
Eesti Kultuurkapital
Eesti Filmi Instituut